Thursday, October 2, 2014

A Full Day

Lately I've been really trying to wrap my head around what would constitute a day fully lived. I want to make the most of my time; recently I had the joy of preaching through Mark 1:15"and saying, 'The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe the Gospel.'" It is impossible for me to read this truth and not be convicted on what I am doing with my time. I want to joyfully glorify the Lord with every moment of every day, especially since I am not promised one more sunrise than I have already taken for granted. I pray there will be days that I live too fully to get a full night’s sleep. 

So with all that being said here's my working checklist on what I believe it is to live a full day, feel free to comment on what you like or what you'd add:

-Did I enjoy the Lord today?

-Did I love others?

-Did I love myself?

-Did I forgive and overlook offenses quickly?

-Did I build up anyone in their faith?

-Did I share the Gospel with anyone?

-How was my prayer life today?

-Did I read the Bible joyfully?

-Do I love Jesus today more than I did yesterday?

-How did I spend my time?

-Am I going to bed exhausted?