Monday, February 17, 2014

Into the fray

"And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together." -Colossians 1:17 

Jesus. First and foremost, the entirety of my life, this blog included, serves to glorify and proclaim the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God, who is before all things, and whom in all things hold together. With that understood I would love to delve into the heart of why I decided to start this. I love words, written, spoken, drawn, I love them. This love, along with the nudging of friends whose opinions I trust, and an overarching desire to proclaim the Gospel in anyway I can, are the genesis of this blog. With that being said, my hope for this is that as I chronicle my walk and my struggles that I will be able to point people to Christ, that they may see that He is forever faithful, and constantly good. My prayer is that the trials in my life would ring out in a beautiful and noisy suffering that forever directs peoples hearts and lives upwards toward the most wonderful Christ, amen.


  1. Franky, I will look forward to reading what your write. I know you to be a man of deep commitment to Jesus. May He guide you as you write.

    1. Thank you! I pray that everything on here would be Christ edifying.
